UNDIRA Inaugurates 8 HIMA and 10 Student Activity Units for the 2023-2024 Service Period

21 September 2023
By : Administrator

Vice Rector III for Student Affairs of Dian Nusantara University inaugurated HIMA and UKM for the 2023-2024 period on Saturday (16/9). The inauguration of each HIMA and UKM was held at the same time and place. The inauguration ceremony was lively and solemn because it was attended by all HIMA and UKM administrators from various Study Programs including from the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences such as HIMA Accounting, HIMA Communication Science, HIMA Management and HIMA English Literature. As for the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, among others, HIMA Electrical Engineering, HIMA Informatics Engineering, HIMA Mechanical Engineering, and HIMA Civil Engineering. On this occasion, the leaders of the academic community were present, starting from the Vice Chancellor I, Vice Chancellor II, Faculty Deans and Heads of Study Programs as well as those in charge of student affairs.

The series of activities in this inauguration consisted of opening, singing the Indonesia Raya song and a report from the Student Affairs Bureau, namely Mr. Rengga Sendrian, M.Hum., remarks from the Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs Dr. Ir. Muhammad Hasanuddin Thoyieb, M.M. followed by the inauguration of the HIMA and UKM administrators of Dian Nusantara University as well as giving SK and reading the HIMA Management Decree by each dean. Until the passage of 4 years UNDIRA already has 10 Student Activity Units including, UKM Pencak Silat, UKM Theater, UKM Dance, UKM Taekwondo, UKM Badminton, UKM Music, UKM Student Press Institute, UKM Futsal Undira FC, UKM Karate, and UKM Mapala.


The role of HIMA itself is one of the elements that is so important in supporting the running of student programs at Dian Nusanrara University both in the field of reasoning and creativity, the field of welfare and entrepreneurship, the field of interests and talents and student organizations in the sense of helping to attract students in various fields and various levels both locally, nationally and internationally, the field of career alignment and trial.

With the new administrators of HIMA and UKM, it is hoped that they can generate new enthusiasm in helping the Institute's program programs either related to student creativity or related to Institute facilities.

Congratulations to the new HIMA and UKM administrators, hopefully they will be trustworthy in their management.


(Mira Febrianti/Kemahasiswaan UNDIRA)

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