Student organizations
The Dian Nusantara University Student Organization is under the organizational structure of Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs and Entrepreneurship and currently there are Student Associations from eight study programs at UNDIRA. The Student Association seeks to assist students in supporting their interests and talents in campus life through the Student Organization (Student Association).
Some Student Associations certainly have their respective Visions and Missions, here are the Vision and Missions of all Student Associations at Dian Nusantara University ;
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences;
- Management Study Program Student Association
“To direct students who are active, creative, solutive, and responsive, and make HIMA Management a place to accommodate the aspirations of students majoring in Management.”
a. Directing HIMA which contains trustworthy and responsible indan-indan.
b. Building the character of students who have intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence.
c. Support all student activities in the fields of leadership, entrepreneurship, both academic and non-academic.
d. Improving the performance of HIMA which can bridge differences, thoughts and facilities as a forum for exchanging opinions.
e. Maintain coordination, cooperation and collaboration that have been established between internal and external UNDIRA institutions.
Head of HIMA: Santanu - 0895604146325 - Accounting Study Program Student Association
“Creating a Student Association that is responsible, professional and with integrity in building the progress of the Accounting Student Association. The realization of the Student Association that is active and dynamic internally and externally and increases a sense of kinship in the campus environment and upholds the principles of transparency and smooth communication”
a. Improving the abilities of the students of the Communication Science Study Program so that they can be developed into an achievement later.
b. Making the Accounting Student Association a forum for conveying the aspirations of accounting students.
c. Collaborating with other student organizations in improving the quality of the organization.
Head of HIMA: Dhani Adi Prayogo - 085875708372 - Student Association of Communication Studies Program
“To make the student association of the Communication Studies Program an active and competent association both academically and non-academicly. And, realizing mutual prosperity in achieving the intended goals and hopes to be able to make students and students much better in the future.”
a. Improving the abilities possessed by students of the Communication Science Study Program to be developed into an achievement later
b. Improve the performance of both members and management in optimizing work programs.
c. Organizing academic and non-academic activities aimed at advancing the Student Association of the Communication Studies Program.
d. Welfare togetherness among each other, without discrimination.
Head of HIMA: Bagus Saputro - 081219619492 - English Literature Study Program Student Association
“As a media that has passion, responsibility, ethics and skills in an effort to become a creative and active group.”
a. Make each assembler a leader with global insight.
b. Applying Digital principles (disciplined, active and total) in order to create a responsible and consistent character in the organization.
c. Forming creative, productive, innovative, analytical and critical associations in responding to developments in the fields of language, literature, and culture.
d. Create an association that masters English language and literature and is able to practice it to the public through various media.
Head of HIMA: Intan Safitri Ardheanata - 081575740218 - Student Association of Informatics Engineering Study Program
“Creating a reliable, professional, innovative and integrity Association in science and technology.Implementing technology to many people who do not know about technological developments, and applying technological developments that are useful in everyday life in society.”
a. Develop innovative talent that helps drive science and technology capabilities.
b. To foster a sense of concern for Dian Nusantara University informatics students towards the community.
c. Organizing useful activities according to the aspirations of Dian Nusantara University informatics students.
d. Making the organization better known as a useful organization, both for students, universities and the community.
Head of HIMA: Alvin Alfajar - 081318139263 - Mechanical Engineering Study Program Student Association
“Improving the quality of students majoring in Mechanical Engineering at Dian Nusantara University who have character, competence, high social spirit, and uphold the value of solidarity.”
a. Develop the potential of Dian Nusantara University Mechanical Engineering students through services and association work programs.
b. Increasing the active role of Mechanical Engineering students at Dian Nusantara University in organizing, channeling talents and caring for the community.
c. Fostering a spirit of togetherness among Mechanical Engineering students at Dian Nusantara University.
d. Take an active role in the solidarity mechanical forever organization throughout Indonesia.
Head of HIMA: Wahyu Fajar N - 081222103659 - Civil Engineering Study Program Student Association
“Presenting the Student Association that is useful in running the organization with full consistency and commitment to create togetherness, integrity and the welfare of advanced students, both in the academic and non-academic fields.”
a. Presenting a benefit for Civil Engineering Students at Dian Nusantara University in accommodating every student's aspirations by taking good actions.
b. Reinforcement of Bhineka Tunggal Ika in strengthening the togetherness of the culture of shaking hands and greeting each other and respecting fellow students in order to create kinship.
c. Improving the integrity of Civil Engineering students through the interests and talents of students as well as building external relationships in various fields of engineering and internal relations through dialogue with the academic community.
d. Carry out community service in accordance with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Head of HIMA: Wulan Muchidayat - 081283931312 - Electrical Engineering Study Program Student Association
“Synergize the HME management so that an adaptive, responsive, academic and religious Association can be realized”
a. Bringing HME to be better and responsive.
b. Optimizing the function of HME as a means of information as well as a forum for aspirations and advocacy for residents of the department.
c. Strengthening the synergistic relationship with the department's management and the entire UNDIRA academic community.
Head of HIMA: Tonny Adetya Pratama - 085156670035

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