1. Description of IT Directorate
The Directorate of Information Technology (IT) is tasked with providing and managing IT services within the UNDIRA environment. In relation to its role, the IT Directorate plays a role in supporting academic, research and community service, as well as managerial activities within UNDIRA in order to help UNDIRA achieve its vision and mission. The UNDIRA IT Directorate was formed in 2021 to meet the needs of the University in carrying out its work processes. At a young age, UNDIRA believes that it can carry out its vision and mission if it is supported by the active use of information technology. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began to penetrate Indonesia in 2020, requires every citizen of the world to work indoors to avoid spreading the epidemic. Teaching and learning activities must be done online, where the role of information technology can support it. From one of these backgrounds, the role of IT in UNDIRA is very much needed, especially to support the Tri Darma process which is still required to be carried out by every university in Indonesia, even during the pandemic. Previously, the IT support process at UNDIRA was still carried out on an ad hock basis, where the staff who carried it out only acted as PICs who coordinated with IT consultants to help manage and fulfill information system needs for UNDIRA. With the establishment of the IT Directorate, UNDIRA hopes that the information system needs at UNDIRA can be developed and managed independently, in accordance with the real needs of the University's work processes.
2. Job and function
In carrying out its duties, the IT Directorate carries out several work functions as follows:
1. Preparation of university plans, programs and budgets related to IT support for universities;
2. Implementation of research and development related to IT;
3. Implementation of data and information system security assurance;
4. Implementation of capacity building and competence of education personnel in the field of technology and information systems;
5. Management and provision of IT infrastructure;
6. Management and provision of information systems used in university work processes;
7. Implementation of the provision of services in the field of technology and information systems;
8. Implementation of coordination and cooperation between institutions based on technology and information systems;
9. Implementation of monitoring and evaluation of the development of technology and information systems;
3. Service Email: [email protected]
Tanjung Duren Campus :
Kampus Cibubur Campus :
Campus Tanjung Duren
Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1
Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470
Campus Green Ville
JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3
Campus Cibubur
Jln. Rawa Dolar 65
Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432