Description of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is one of the main activities in campus activities. This activity provides an opportunity to create business activities in the form of entrepreneurial learning in the form of direct practice carried out in a planned and programmed manner, with entrepreneurial students they may earn their own income and can create jobs and can improve the skills of the students themselves. Dian Nusantara University's entrepreneurship began at the beginning of the campus being built with several students who have started businesses and are developing them.
As for some of the student efforts of Dian Nusantara University as follows;
- Devi Wulandari - Kebab Arofah (2018)
- Mufti Akmal Arifin - Coffe Bank (2020)
- Oki Setiawan - Babasneakers ( 2021)
- Agus Jumkhairul - Tihta Mandiri Teknik (2016)
- Nanda Dwi Meiyanti - Usaha Kecantikan (2021)
- Aditya Dwi Amarta - Breeder Reptile (2019)
- Fachrurodji - Cutecatshop (2020)
- Himawan Oktama Putra - Warung Gema (2021)
- Darmawan - Darmawanlas (2017)
- Nasya Elsanty - (2020)
- Edy Joko Prayitno - Lontong Pecel 46 (2021)
- Ferianto Riyadi - Faeyzaamart1 (2021)
- Hasan Minarizki - Grosir & Supply Pisang (2020)
- Yosep Soearna - Istiqamah Salad Buah (2021)
- Iif Muzdalifah Fauziah - Tempat Cakap (2020)
- Riki Aprianto - RoomBiDi (2020)
- Riska Purnama Sari - Gerai.alwahida (2019)
- Kholif Ardi Alfatah - Warnas Budhe Ummi (2021)
- Adelia Ayu Sucitra - Scarves (2020)
- Jaenudin - Jualan Bubur Kacang Hijau dan Ketan Hitam (2013)
- Sri Widuri - Sawid Store (2017)
- Intan Soleha - Twinkle Project id (EO) (2021)
- Gilang Andrian Pirmansah - Kedai Kopi Alibaba (2020)
- Mila Nur Aini - Revelshop10 (2019)
- Niken Suci Revianti - Galeri Faeyza (2019)
- Septi Indri Ani - Septi.onlineshop (2018)
- Tiara Ayu Yumaresti - TY Makeup Studio (2018)
- Nur Asiah - Multi Karya (2019)
- Sahri - Kuliner (2019)

Tanjung Duren Campus :
Kampus Cibubur Campus :

Campus Tanjung Duren
Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1
Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470
Campus Green Ville
JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3
Campus Cibubur
Jln. Rawa Dolar 65
Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432