Universitas Dian Nusantara

Dian Nusantara University is a new university in the DKI Jakarta area which has the quality of learning, lecturers, and facilities that are not inferior to other private universities in DKI Jakarta, owned by DianNusantara University including: Professional and experienced university managers and leaders in managing several well-known universities and educational institutions in Indonesia.

Vision Mission, Goals, Goals, and Values of the University

Vision of Dian Nusantara University 

"To become a Trusted University and Professional with Global insight, to meet the needs of the industry and entrepreneurship based on Science and Technology by 2030"

Mission of Dian Nusantara University  

  1. Dian Nusantara University Organizes teaching, research, and community service that are quality, reliable, and professional
  2. Developing students' abilities and skills through various activities to meet the needs of industry and entrepreneurship in a sustainable manner
  3. Providing facilities and infrastructure to support the teaching and learning process based on the latest technology that is appropriate and refers to the quality standards of National Higher Education
  4. Implementing effective and efficient organizational governance through a harmonious and productive work environment
  5. Building cooperation and synergistic relationships with all stakeholders

The Purpose of Dian Nusantara University 

  1. Encouraging the active participation of all academics in developing the quality of teaching, research, and community service activities in accordance with the latest scientific developments
  2. Producing graduates with noble character, entrepreneurial spirit, and global perspective who are able to answer future challenges
  3. Support the teaching and learning process by building facilities and infrastructure according to established quality standards
  4. Manage the organization effectively and efficiently according to the policies set by the government
  5. Improve the productivity of harmonious cooperative relationships with all stakeholders

Target of Dian Nusantara University 

  1. The creation of a conducive academic atmosphere supported by the entire academic community
  2. Producing graduates who are able to work professionally and independently
  3. Availability of facilities and infrastructure in the implementation of the teaching and learning process
  4. The realization of a trusted governance and institutional system that meets the quality standards set by the government and universities
  5. The realization of synergistic cooperation with various stakeholders in improving the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education
Universitas Dian Nusantara
Tanjung Duren Campus
JI Tanjung Duren Barat II No 1 Grogol Jakarta Barat.
No.Telp: 021-21194454
Green Ville Campus
JI. Mangga 14, No 3 Kec Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat, 11510
Cibubur Campus
Jl. Rawa Dolar 65 Jatiranggon, Kec Jatisampurna, Bekasi
No.Telp: 021-22176334