Speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics
Desi Ramayanti, S.Kom., M.T.

Dekan FTI
Desi Ramayanti, S.Kom., M.T.

Dekan FTI
Desi Ramayanti, S.Kom., M.T.

Message from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics.
Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Dian Nusantara University,
Praise and gratitude we always pray to the presence of Allah SWT, God Almighty, for the abundance of His grace and guidance to all of us, may we all always be in good health and may we all always be given the ability to participate in building the nation through education. Tall.
The Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Dian Nusantara University (FTI-UNDIRA), currently manages 4 study programs, namely the Undergraduate Program in the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, the Undergraduate Program in the Electrical Engineering Study Program, the Undergraduate Program in the Civil Engineering Study Program and the Undergraduate Program in the Informatics Engineering Study Program.
FTI-UNDIRA has a vision "To become a Trusted Faculty and Professional with Global Insight, to meet the needs of the Industrial World and Technology-based Entrepreneurship in 2030". As a Faculty that started operating in the 2019/2022 academic year, FTI-UNDIRA continues to innovate in its management, which is contained in the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, which is divided into (1) Institutional Transformation, (2) Strengthening Identity, (3) Increasing Effectiveness and Efficiency, and (4) Continuous Innovation. This shows FTI-UNDIRA's commitment to continuously improve the quality of its management processes in an effort to provide graduates with the skills to enter the world of work, with a charge of Technology, Integrity, Professionalism with global content and entrepreneurship.
Currently, creativity and innovation are important keys to take part in the sustainable development of higher education in Indonesia. Therefore, in the 2022/2023 academic year, FTI-UNDIRA developed the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) curriculum based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture number: 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards. It provides facilities for students who have completed their 5th semester to: (1) study 1 semester in another study program within the University, (2) study 1 or 2 semesters in the same or different study program at another university, (3) study 1 or 2 semesters of study outside of college.
As the implementation of the MBKM curriculum, FTI-UNDIRA through the University has developed collaborations with various university and industry partners to support the implementation of the MBKM curriculum program.
With its potential, FTI-UNDIRA continues to strive to improve the quality of management with the support of the Internal Quality Management System in the implementation of the tridharma, further confirming FTI-UNDIRA's commitment to preparing graduates as future leaders.
FTI-UNDIRA will always produce engineering graduates according to their study program, with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, independent and highly competitive, as well as innovative and able to see business opportunities.
Along with the development of information communication technology, this website is expected to be an effective communication medium between the faculty and students, and all stakeholders through Tridarma activities, student activities, as well as various latest information including job information and scholarships.
Thank you for your visit
Desi Ramayanti, S.Kom., M.T.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Dian Nusantara University.

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