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Student Activities

Description of the Student Activity Unit
Student Activity Unit (UKM) is a forum for student activities outside the classroom to develop certain interests, talents and skills. UKM is a student organization that has the task of planning, implementing, and developing student extracurricular activities that are reasoning, interests and hobbies, welfare, and special interests in accordance with their duties and responsibilities

SMEs in UNDIRA are divided into three interest groups, including ;

  1. Sports activity unit (Karate UKM and Athletic UKM)
  2. Art activity units (Pencak Silat UKM, Choir UKM, and Theater UKM)
  3. Special activity unit (Nature Lover Student (Mapala))

Campus Tanjung Duren

Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1

Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470

Campus Green Ville

JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3

Campus Cibubur

Jln. Rawa Dolar 65

Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432