Impressions and Messages of UNDIRA 2023's Inaugural Achievement Graduates

07 Mei 2024
By : Andhika Dhixz

"Never stop learning, both formally and informally. Because the future can only be achieved by people who have high enthusiasm and motivation to learn, and it will be able to become visionary and professional integrity. It's time to fulfill the results in return for our efforts." - Rector of Dian Nusantara University, Prof. Dr. H. Suharyadi.

Graduation is a celebration of the academic achievements that students have obtained through their hard work in pursuing their education. However, graduation is not the end point; it is a step towards the next phase of learning and self-development. As has been said, knowledge is something that can be continuously pursued.

It is part of the human instinct to never be fully satisfied with our achievements, especially for the younger generation. We are always open to receiving new information from various sources as a means to achieve our goals in both formal and informal contexts. This abundance of information often opens the door to a number of interpretations.

After graduation, graduates are expected to use the knowledge and experience they have gained to become creative, innovative and successful individuals in various fields of professional and personal life.

Riki aprianto

One of the representatives of the graduates, Riki Aprianto, majoring in Management, gave a speech as a form of conveying his impressions and messages to the invited guests and fellow graduates. Mr. Riki also conveyed how the educational involvement of Dian Nusantara University is a factor in making many students adapt and develop so that they can become human beings who are ready to face the challenges that will be faced in the future, especially in the industrial world.

Mr. Riki conveyed some insightful views to the graduates that intellectual standards and individual success are not entirely determined by external assessments. He emphasized that by applying the principles of visionary, integrity, and professional life in line with UNDIRA's values, there will be significant character development. This is essential in shaping them into successful individuals in the future.

It is not easy for a student to hold the title of outstanding graduate, of course there is a struggle behind it. On the occasion given, Riki did not forget to tell about his experience when he made up his mind to migrate to Jakarta to start studying with family economic conditions that can be said to be modest. With the determination and blessing of his parents, he finally decided to study at Dian Nusantara University and graduated on time with the title of outstanding graduate.

Not only studying, but Riki also actively participated in various student activities and competitions. One of them was at the end of his lecture period, he won 2nd place in the scientific writing competition of the 10th National Reality Writing Competition held by Yogyakarta State University. Until finally Riki can complete his undergraduate education at Dian Nusantara University and is ready to continue his life with the knowledge and experience he gained while studying at Dian Nusantara University.

In addition, Rahman Kurnia from the Electrical Engineering study program who was also one of the graduates gave his impressions and messages while studying at UNDIRA. "During my studies at Universitas Dian Nusantara (UNDIRA), I gained a variety of important learning that includes team management, application of electronics theory, as well as scientific writing and journal preparation. These aspects were not previously offered during my education at Vocational High School (SMK), which tends to focus more on practice than theory. The most memorable experience was the humble attitude of the Head of the Electrical Engineering Study Program towards his students. He even took the time to visit us during a holiday to prepare a device for a competition. Commitment and dedication like this add value to the learning experience at UNDIRA." said Rahman.

For Rahman, who is also active in the Robotics organization and also as the Founder of Robotic Inspiration, he conveyed his message to UNDIRA to be able to focus on student potential in various sectors. "In the context of developing student talent, there is a need for UNDIRA to pay more attention to the potential of students in various fields, especially in the engineering sector such as Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Informatics Engineering and also Mechanical Engineering. Through the establishment of Student Activity Units (UKM) in the field of Robotics as one of the suggestions to increase student participation and skills, which not only supports the UNDIRA Engineering and Informatics faculty but also opens opportunities for students across faculties at UNDIRA to get involved." Said the Founder of Robotic Inspiration, Rahman Kurnia.

(Danang Respati Wicaksono & Sekar Ayu Putri / HUMAS UNDIRA)

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