
Study Program Description
Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Dian Nusantara University as a higher education institution whose graduates will enter the community, the curriculum is packaged in such a way as to be able to form students who are able to live harmoniously in society as well as in the world of work or industry. Graduates of the Communication Studies Study Program, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Dian Nusantara University are graduates who will work in the world of work, industry, or entrepreneurship, so that they cannot be separated from the social system, economic system and employment. Therefore, in preparing the curriculum for the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Dian Nusantara University, in addition to hard skills content, soft skills are also included as a mandate that must be contained in the curriculum.
The Communication Science Study Program is part of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences which was established in accordance with the operational permit as mentioned above, while effectively starting operations in Jakarta, namely in the 2019/2020 academic year with the learning process using the 2019 curriculum which was then refined in 2020 This improvement is carried out in connection with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which continues to be echoed where mastery of information and communication technology is one that needs to be considered in addition to the achievement of the vision, mission, and goals of the communication science study program.
The curriculum improvements made in addition to the above achievements, along with the Independent Learning Policy - Merdeka Campus launched by the Minister of Education and Culture is a framework to prepare students to become strong scholars, relevant to the needs of the times and ready to become leaders with a high national spirit.
The Communication Science Study Program needs to adjust to this policy through curriculum development, namely the Merdeka Learning curriculum - Merdeka Campus. The curriculum development is carried out towards the transformation of the Independent Learning Curriculum and Independent Campus (MBKM), as has been stipulated in Permendikbud number 3 of 2020, so that in 2021 an adjustment has been made taking into account the characteristics of science in the field of communication science.

Vision and mission

"To become a Trusted and Professional Study Program with Global Insight, to meet the needs of the Industrial and Entrepreneurial Worlds in Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management and Operational Management by 2030"

  1. Organizing teaching, research, and community service in the fields of broadcasting (broadcasting), public relations (public relations) and marketing communication (marketing communication)that are quality, reliable and professional.
  2. Develop students' abilities and skills through various activities to meet the needs of industry and entrepreneurship on an ongoing basis in broadcasting, public relations (public relations) and marketing communication (marketing communication).
  3. Provide facilities and infrastructure to support teaching and learning processes in the fields of broadcasting, public relations and marketing communications based on the latest appropriate technology to exceed the quality standards of National Higher Education.
  4. Implementing effective and efficient study program management through a harmonious and productive work environment.
  5. Building cooperation and synergistic relationships with all stakeholders in the field of communication.
Study Program Objectives
  1. Producing graduates who are intelligent, noble, ethical, competent, and highly competitive and able to develop science and technology in the field of communication, both at national and global levels;
  2. Producing superior research and innovation that encourages the development of science and technology in the field of communication on a national and global scale;
  3. Producing community service as a result of education and research activities in the field of communication in order to help empower the community to be able to solve problems intelligently, independently, and sustainably;
  4. Realizing the independence of study programs that are adaptive, creative, proactive and qualified to the demands of technological developments that have an impact on the realization of good university governance
Study Program Target
  1. The creation of a conducive academic atmosphere is supported by the entire academic community.
  2. Producing graduates in study programs who are able to work professionally and independently.
  3. Availability of facilities and infrastructure in the implementation of the teaching and learning process
  4. The realization of a trusted governance system according to university standards guided by the National Higher Education National Standard.
  5. The realization of synergistic cooperation with various stakeholders in improving the quality of the activities of the Tridharma of Higher Education.
Concentration of Communication Studies Program
  • Public Relations (Humas) is a profession that is closely related to communication skills, strategic in designing, managing, and evaluating a communication activity, be it government, company, or business entity related to public relations.
  • Broadcasting is a choice of concentration from the Communication Studies Study Program. Broadcasting studies how theory and practice in creating programs to be disseminated through media such as television, radio, (mainstream media) and new media.
  • Marketing communication (Marketing Communication) is a concentration of Communication Studies study program, whose graduates have the ability to conduct consumer analysis and advertising market research as well as how to plan good digital media and creative advertising strategies.

Communication Science Study Program Curriculum 

Study Period of Communication Science Study Program
Study period: 8 – 10 semesters (4 – 5 years)
Study Load (number of credits to be taken): 144 credits

Entry Requirements for Communication Studies Study Program
Graduated from SMA IPA & IPS/SMK Administration and General

Prospect of Communication Studies Study Program
  • Academic
    Communication Science graduates can become educators who will take part in research in the field of communication, able to conduct market research using scientific logic of thinking to provide alternative solutions to problems.
  • Consulting Expert
    Able to carry out team and individual activities to solve problems related to communication science. Able to design various forms of creative media content and product concepts in the fields of public relations, broadcasting and marketing communication.
  • SOEs
    Graduates of the Communication Studies Study Program can work in state-owned enterprises as strategic planners to build a positive image of the institution or company.
  • Implementing Expert (Supervisor)
    Able to analyze, create designs, concepts and creative media products in the fields of public relations, broadcasting and marketing communication. Able to visualize the results of the design in accordance with the rules of communication science. Able to control the communication system and the process in the field of communication.
  • Entrepreneur (Technopreneur)
    Have the ability to adapt, work together, build and develop networks, think creatively, be creative, contribute, innovate and have a technopreneur spirit in applying science and technology to social life and be able to play a role as a global citizen with a global perspective and create new jobs independently.
  • Private Sector
    Job opportunities for Communication Studies graduates in the private sector are very wide for companies related to professional certification, including:
    • Professional, Certified Public Relations Practitioner (CPR) issued by the Indonesian Public Relations Professional Certification Institute (LSP PRI), at a strategic level includes the ability and qualification of expertise and skills in carrying out strategic jobs in the practice of public relations or public relations.< /li>
    • Certified Event Marketing Communication Professional This certificate is given to professions working in the field of event organizer or public relations
The Communication Studies Study Program, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Dian Nusantara University has experienced lecturers according to the scientific field who have certification and have a National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN) with Master (S2) and Doctoral (S3) qualifications, both domestic graduates and overseas graduates. who already has an Academic Functional Position.

Contact Person:

  • Head of S1 Communication Studies Program: Sri Hesti, S.IKom, M.IKom.
  • E-mail:
  • Secretary of S1 Communication Studies Program: Anna Nurjanah, S.IKom, M.A.
  • E-mail :
  • E-mail of the study program:

Campus Tanjung Duren

Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1

Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470

Campus Green Ville

JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3

Campus Cibubur

Jln. Rawa Dolar 65

Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432