
Description of Management Study Program
The paradigm shift in education from supply driven to demand driven requires universities to be responsible for the quality of graduates, including in terms of getting a job after graduation. Universities will not only function as suppliers of labor, but will also produce graduates as human resources that are really needed by society and the world of work.
Along with the Free Learning Policy – The Merdeka Campus which was launched by the Minister of Education and Culture is a framework to prepare students to become strong scholars, relevant to the needs of the times, and ready to become leaders with a high national spirit. Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 gives students the right to study 3 semesters outside their study program. Because  Therefore, the study program has prepared its graduates as well as possible in the form of curriculum design and quality learning processes. Facing the challenges of the global era and the free market, professional, broad-minded, creative and innovative human resources are needed. Universities must be able to implement educational methods in order to form graduates who are able to compete globally and are able to create job opportunities. In order to achieve these goals, each university sets the vision, mission, goals and competencies of graduates tailored to the needs of stakeholders. The Management Study Program at Dian Nusantara University Jakarta has anticipated the market's need for reliable and competent management personnel with the needs of the world of work, by carrying out education in theory and practice. 
Management Study Program, in  Faculty  Business and  Dian Nusantara University Social Sciences (FBIS-UNDIRA) is an inseparable part of the overall Dian Nusantara University organization, which is domiciled in Jakarta with the main campus located on Jl. Raya Tanjung Duren Barat 2/1, Kec. Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta, 11470. Dian Nusantara University was established based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 115/KPT/I/2019 concerning Changes in the Location of Dian Nusantara University from Medan City to Jakarta organized by the Dian Asra Foundation. The Dian Asra Foundation was established on July 13, 2018 according to notarial deed Number: 03 dated July 13, 2018 with Notary Deed H. FIDE PRIMA HARTANTO, SH., MKn. Currently, the Management Study Program at Dian Nusantara University has obtained Status, Grades, Ranks, and Validity Period of Accreditation Results for Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education and the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 10401/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2021 with < span style="color: #000000;">Good Accreditation valid from August 25, 2021 until August 25, 2026.
Management study program is a scientific field that studies the activities of companies or corporations, which are still related to economics and business. Management learns how to control the wheels of the company in the form of activities that include company management policies, organizations, business strategies, employment and staffing, production management, marketing, administration, to non-profit organizations. Even though they are both in the fields of Economics and Business, the management department turns out to have differences with the accounting and economics majors. This management department is one of the majors that is more directed to the management of company activities. You could say this one department is a department whose job is to control the direction and wheels of a company when it graduates. From the management department, it is divided into several specializations. Each specialization of the department also has its own duties and advantages.
Producing graduates who are spirited and characterized, graduate profiles are prepared by management study programs to be able to carry out their roles -the roles stated in the profile are in accordance with the abilities stated in the CPL formulation. The role that can be performed by graduates is in accordance with the competence in the field of management required by the government and the business world as well as industry, as well as the need to develop science and technology.

The graduate profile of the Management study program is expected to become a Research Assistant in Management Economics/Assistant Academics, Experts in Management Economics, Professionals, Consultants, Experts in Management and Entrepreneurship
Concentration or Specialization in Management Studies Program:
  1. Marketing Management
  2. Human Resource Management
  3. Financial Management
  4. Operational Management
Undira Management Study Program currently has 23 permanent lecturers who have a national lecturer ID number (with NIDN) with 50% qualifications with Doctoral (S3) education at home and abroad and Masters (S2) and has the rank of Academic Functional Position consisting of Professor, Head Lector, Lector and Expert Assistant and certified Educator of the Ministry of Higher Education. 
The length of study in the Management study program is 8 (eight) semesters or 4 (four) years with a waiting period of 3 months looking for work. The requirements to enter the Management study program are SMU IPA/IPS graduates, similar vocational schools and in the future will receive D3 which will continue to the S1 level and transfer students.

Vision and mission

"To become a Trusted and Professional Study Program with Global Insight, to meet the needs of the Industrial and Entrepreneurial Worlds in Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management and Operational Management by 2030"< /div>

  1. Organize Teaching, Research, and Community Service Financial management, marketing management, human resource management and operational management Quality, Reliable and Professional.
  2. Developing students' abilities and skills through various activities to meet the needs of the industrial world and entrepreneurship on an ongoing basis in Management.
  3. Providing supporting facilities and infrastructure for the teaching and learning process Management exceeds the quality standards of National Higher Education.
  4. Implementing Effective and Efficient Study Program Governance through a Harmonious and Productive work environment.
  5. Building Synergistic Cooperation and Relationships with all stakeholders in the field of Management.
2. Destination
  1. Producing graduates who are intelligent, noble, ethical, competent and highly competitive and able to develop Business and Social Sciences both at national and global levels.
  2. Producing superior research and innovation that drives the development of science and technology in the fields of Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management and Operations Management on a national and global scale;
  3. Producing community service as a result of educational and research activities in the fields of Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management and Operational Management in order to help empower the community to be able to solve problems intelligently, independently and sustainably;
  4. Realizing the independence of study programs that are adaptive, creative, proactive and qualified to the demands of technological developments that have an impact on the realization of good university governance.
3. Achievement Strategy
a. Improving the quality of Civil Service Administration and Study Program Governance.
  1. Improve a healthy and efficient organizational structure in managing study programs.
  2. Analyze and evaluate the existing organizational structure based on job analysis.
  3. Determining the organizational structure with the main tasks and functions of each work unit.
  4. Prepare organizational guidelines as guidelines in the implementation of organizational activities.
  5. Conducting analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization on a regular basis.
b. Improve competency-based curriculum
  1. Conducting internal and external analysis and evaluation of study programs to determine curriculum, taking into account the main, supporting and other competencies, involving internal and external stakeholders, at the latest every 4 years.
  2. Developing a semester lesson plan for each course online and offline.
  3. Completing Information and Communication Technology-based teaching media
  4. Feedback to graduate users.
c. Improve the competence of educators and be able to carry out the Tridharma of Higher Education, by:
  1. Determining educators as subject caregivers based on their competencies.
  2. Prepare the teaching module for each subject, equipped with a semester lesson plan.
  3. Feedback by conducting Lecturer Evaluation by Students (EDOM).
  4. Providing opportunities for educators to further study and participate in scientific meetings.
  5. Facilitate educators to carry out research and community service.
  6. Preparing the regeneration of educators.
d. Developing the quality of student admissions.
  1. Determining the admission system for prospective students.
  2. Setting minimum qualification standards for prospective students.
  3. Setting Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the selection of prospective students.
  4. Stipulates the SOP for determining tuition fees for new students.
  5. Developing a new student admissions marketing system.
e. Improve the effectiveness of the governance system and the management of the study program's internal quality assurance system.
  1. Performing ongoing system analysis and evaluation.
  2. Improve the organizational structure, authority, main duties and functions, and responsibilities of all structural officials.
  3. Building an effective and efficient internal quality assurance system.
  4. Developing cooperation in the fields of Education, research and community service with other agencies.
f. Improve the quality of competent education personnel who can support the implementation of the Tridharma of higher education in study programs.
  1. Determining educational staff as administrative staff or support staff based on their competencies
  2. Determining work procedures and performance evaluation systems for education personnel.
  3. Setting minimum standards for education personnel
  4. Providing opportunities for education personnel to take certified courses.
g. Equip appropriate learning media to support the teaching and learning process
  1. Investing in the procurement of adequate and appropriate learning media in accordance with the capabilities of the resources.
  2. Complete online and offline learning media.
  3. Implementing regular learning media maintenance programs so that they are always ready for use
  4. Feedback on the availability of learning media.
h. Develop learning methods and techniques that can improve competence,
  1. Implementing training in the field of learning technology to obtain effective and efficient learning methods and techniques.
  2. Implementing student center learning methods and techniques.
  3. Provide feedback on the implementation of learning methods and techniques.
i. Developing soft skill content integrated in the curriculum
  1. Preparing Modules and Semester Learning Plans that are based on improving soft skills in each subject.
  2. Creating a campus environment that can motivate students' moral quality improvement.
  3. Implementing student extracurricular activities that are integrated into the curriculum.
j. Develop an internal quality assurance system consistently and continuously
  1. Analyze and evaluate the ongoing internal quality assurance system.
  2. Consistently implement internal quality assurance system
  3. Setting internal quality assurance system standards .
  4. Setting up monitoring, evaluation and internal academic quality audit.
  5. Feedback to get optimal educational outcomes.
k. Improve the quality of teaching products
  1. Facilitate and encourage educators to produce textbooks and teaching modules.
  2. Developing an integration program between research activities, community service and teaching.
  3. Improve the quality of the academic atmosphere and competence of graduates
  4. Facilitate and encourage Educators to obtain grants for textbooks and teaching modules from Dikti.
l. Improve the quality of research implementation, by:
  1. Developing a proportional and beneficial research program in the mechanical field to improve community welfare in a sustainable manner by involving students, as well as providing input for learning activities.
  2. Developing a research-based laboratory and teaching laboratory
  3. Making use of the research results of the Management Study Program in Society.
  4. Expand the scheme of funding sources for research costs.
  5. Building research collaborations with other universities and research institutions, to improve the professionalism of researchers.
  6. Facilitate and encourage lecturers to obtain research grants from DP2M Dikti and other agencies.
m. Improve the quality of community service implementation, by:
  1. Analyze and evaluate past and ongoing community service.
  2. Developing community service programs based on research results that can provide feedback for educational activities, and are useful for improving community welfare in a sustainable manner by involving students.
  3. Preparing alternative funding sources for financing community service.
  4. Building community service collaboration with government and private institutions.
  5. Facilitate and encourage Educators to obtain Community Service grants from DP2M-Dikti and other agencies.
n. Has an education system that upholds scientific and professional ethics and international standards.
  1. Developing a curriculum that contains scientific ethics and is based on national standards of higher education.
  2. Preparing educators who are ethical in carrying out the teaching process.
  3. Preparing ethical education personnel in service.
  4. Facilitate and encourage educators and students to participate in international scientific meetings.
5. Why Choose Management Study Program
  1. Management majors are needed in every aspect of life
    Managemental knowledge is very important and needed in every aspect of life. In the management department, learning about responsibility in managing a company or organization, it can be said that the content of the management major also offers a wide choice of courses ranging from managing projects and finance later, to managing people.
  2. Wide job opportunities
    Management majors are needed for almost all companies in various fields. Management graduates are required to be able to manage an organization with an understanding of employment law and be able to communicate actively.
  3. More flexible
    Management majors can go anywhere and can be applied anywhere, depending on how to apply the management knowledge gained in college in the world of work so as to produce more optimal or maximum work.
  4. Improve organizational ability
    This department is able to form good organizational skills in students. In the field of management, organizational skills are needed to support roles in the world of work.
  5. Easy to adapt
    The adaptation process for management majors is fairly easy and short. At the beginning of the lecture period you will be introduced to various basics of management science before entering the special or special section it has. So, you don't have to worry if you choose a science major when you are in high school. Although the management department is known as one of the branches of  IPS.
6. Management Study Program Curriculum (attached)
7. Student Organizational Development Activities (HIMA-Management)

To improve and develop organizational insight and to be able to interact with fellow students both within the study program and outside the study program within the University as well as interaction with students outside the university Therefore, students are given a place to develop their interests and talents and achievements. Dian Nusantara University facilitates students through the Management Student Association (HIMA-Management) and the Student Activity Unit (UKM).
8. Contact person      : 
  • Head of S1 Management Study Program: Dr. Didin Hikmah Perkasa
  • Secretary of S1 Management Study Program: Muhammad Al Faruq A, S.Kom., MM.
  • E-mail :
  • E-mail of the study program:

Campus Tanjung Duren

Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1

Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470

Campus Green Ville

JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3

Campus Cibubur

Jln. Rawa Dolar 65

Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432