
Description of Accounting Study Program
“To become a trusted and professional study program with a global perspective to meet the needs of industry and entrepreneurship in the fields of management accounting, public sector accounting, auditing, and taxation by 2030”, is the vision of the FBIS-UNDIRA Accounting Study Program.
To achieve this vision, the Accounting Study Program carries out learning, research, and community service programs by optimizing all the potential of internal lecturers in managing the institution. Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunities), and Threats (threats) or known as SWOT analysis, are used to evaluate the internal strengths of lecturers and students as an initial strategy for achieving goals that focus on competitive advantage in the fields of management accounting, taxation , and public sector accounting. The goal is that the study program can optimize the task force in accordance with the organizational structure by conveying tasks and authorities that can be evaluated periodically.
There are ten lecturers in Accounting Study Program. Three of them have a Strata-3 education, and seven lecturers have a Strata-2 education with 50% or as many as five lecturers having been certified educators (Serdos). For this reason, certified lecturers are required to actively participate in sharing knowledge in the fields of learning, research, and community service with journal outputs involving junior lecturers, lecturers of research methodology courses, academic supervisors, and thesis supervisors. Control over the activities of the lecturers will be carried out by the Head of the Study Program for the purpose of improving the lecturers' research and publications. While the role of students is so that accounting graduates have skilled and professional abilities in understanding research, technology, according to scientific fields, and have a "soul of entrepreneurs". The role of collaboration will certainly form graduates who also have intelligence in thinking and acting by prioritizing good morals, ethics, capabilities, and adaptability to have sufficient competitiveness for changes and improvements in the development of science and technology in accounting, both at national and global levels.
Quality control is carried out by the Internal Quality Assurance Unit (SPMI) through Monitoring and Evaluation (MONEV) regarding all academic and non-academic program activities. The average study completion target designed to build is 3.5 years to 4 years. The determination of the study completion target is summarized in a curriculum that refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) which is integrated with the vision, mission, goals of the Faculties and Universities. Adjustment of the Curriculum/Semester Learning Plan (RPS) is prepared based on courses by involving all lecturers and has been through the involvement of policy makers (stakeholders) so that graduates have the ability to understand in the industrial world. In the practice of preparing the RPS, the output message of graduates has good soft skills, in addition to the ability according to their field of knowledge that is always conveyed. One of these messages is that students are given the freedom to choose courses in Semester V, outside of accounting science courses which can be chosen through other study programs. The goal is that after graduation, they become different individuals and have more knowledge that can support work/business in the world of work and society in developing the country.
The role of accounting personnel in business processes is still very wide open. Therefore, the opportunity for alumni in the FBIS-UNDIRA accounting study program to develop careers in various private and government sectors is very large because every business/industrial activity certainly requires accounting graduates who have qualifications in management accounting, tax, auditing, and sector accounting. public.

Vision, Mission of Study Program Vision of Study Program

“Become a trusted and professional study program with a global perspective to meet the needs of industry and entrepreneurship in the fields of management accounting, public sector accounting, auditing, and taxation by 2030.”

  1. Organizing teaching, research, and community service in the fields of management accounting, public sector accounting, auditing, and taxation that are quality, reliable, and professional.
  2. Developing students' abilities and skills through various activities to meet the needs of industry and entrepreneurship on an ongoing basis in the accounting field.
  3. Providing facilities and infrastructure to support the latest-based teaching and learning process that is appropriate to refer to the National Quality Standard for Higher Education.
  4. Implementing effective and efficient study program management through a harmonious and productive work environment.
  5. Building cooperation and synergistic relationships with all stakeholders.
Study Program Objectives
  1. Producing graduates who are intelligent, noble, ethical, competent, and highly competitive and able to develop science and technology both at national and global levels;
  2. Producing superior research and innovation that drives the development of science & technology in the fields of management accounting, taxation, auditing, and public sector accounting on a national and global scale;
  3. Producing community service as a result of educational and research activities in the fields of management accounting, public sector accounting, auditing, and taxation in order to help empower the community to be able to solve problems intelligently, independently, and sustainably;
  4. Realizing the independence of the Accounting study program that is Adaptive, Creative, Proactive and Qualified to the demands of technological developments that have an impact on the realization of good university governance.
Why Choose Accounting Study Program?
  1. Every agency (both government and private sector) requires accounting graduates. Employment as an accountant certainly involves the creation, assessment of records of financial activities and company accounts. All institutions want to have knowledge about their business/business processes in order to make a profit and comply with tax regulations, that's why accounting personnel are needed.
  2. Accounting graduates get a pleasant learning experience because accounting does not teach graduates to be mathematicians, but teaches graduates to know the basics of addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication with good analytical skills and application of note-taking.
  3. Accounting graduates have skills that can be applied in many areas of life, because they are educated to have the ability to make the best decisions in every problem at work and outside of work.
    • In entrepreneurial business activities, accounting graduates have been equipped with theoretical solutions to possible problems related to payroll management, profit and loss ratios, and other business-related concepts when starting their business.
    • In household activities, accounting graduates are trained to be able to assist in household management, such as managing household budgets and expenses effectively with sheets and ledgers.
    • In government/company activities, accounting graduates have been equipped with scientific skills such as budgeting/budgeting management, accounting records, taxation, understanding of audit mechanisms and accounting management in management.
  4. Accounting graduates will always be in demand and have the ability to adapt to developments in information technology. There is an increase in technology 4.0 and 5.0 in various business sectors, does not cause the task of responsibility and decision-making authority for accounting graduates as analysts who can be a determinant in the certainty of obtaining profits/profits in corporate entities.
  5. The job prospects of accounting graduates are dynamic, because of the ability and quality of their field of knowledge trained to be responsible for financial reports that have generally accepted standards in various companies around the world. Due to the criteria required for accounting graduates, they vary as follows:
    • Accounting graduates have international job opportunities because of the applicable standards in accounting, they have the opportunity of graduates to be employed in foreign companies with the support of passing the required license exam in accordance with accounting principles and techniques applicable across international borders.
    • Accounting graduates have job opportunities in entrepreneurial business development. Accounting graduates have been equipped with theoretical solutions to problems that may occur related to payroll management, profit and loss ratios, and other business-related concepts when starting their business will be easily accepted in the Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) industrial sector.< /li>
    • Accounting graduates in general, can become a professional accounting staff after following the required licensing stages, becoming internal audit managers, accounting managers, management accounting analysts, administrative staff in tax offices, accounting staff in banks, and other important sectors both in industry or effort.
    • Accounting graduates with a concentration in management accounting can take the Certificate Management Accountant (CMA) profession. This certificate is awarded to management accountants working in a company issued by the Australian Institute for Certified Management Accountants (ICMA).
    • Accounting graduates with a concentration in taxation can take the Tax Consultant Certification Examination (USKP) competency with an additional title, namely Certified Tax Consultant (BKP) which can be used to open a practice license as a tax consultant.
    • Accounting graduates with a concentration in auditing can join the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) profession. This certificate is intended for the public accounting profession. In Indonesia, the institution entitled to issue a CPA certificate is the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI). In accordance with Law No. 5 of 2011 concerning Public Accountants, its implementation is regulated through the Decree of the Minister of Finance NUMBER 17/PMK.01/2008. If you already have a CPA, you are allowed to open a public accounting service office in a country.
    • Graduates with a concentration in public sector accounting, generally work in government agencies and relate to public services, such as BPK, BPKP, provincial/city/district governments and other ministries. Generally, graduates work in the fields of administration, bookkeeping, finance, budgeting, income, taxation, and expenditure. For this reason, in career advancement after graduating from a bachelor's degree in accounting in the public sector, they can join the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) profession, Certified Tax Consultant (BKP).
Contact Persons E-mail :
  • Head of S1 Accounting Study Program: Sigit Mareta, SE, M.Ak.
  • E-mail:
  • Secretary of S1 Accounting Study Program: Lestari, SE, M.Ak.
  • E-mail:

Campus Tanjung Duren

Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1

Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470

Campus Green Ville

JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3

Campus Cibubur

Jln. Rawa Dolar 65

Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432