UNDIRA Community Service Research Institute Successfully Holds Strategy Training to Pass DIKTI Grants in 2024

Jakarta, January 20, 2024 - Hibah Dikti (Directorate General of Higher Education) is a form of financial support or funding provided by the Indonesian government to universities, lecturers, researchers, and students to support research, development, and community service activities in the field of higher education. Various grant funding programs prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture as a form of continuing to encourage universities to transform in order to be able to organize higher education that is relevant to the dynamics of society and the rapid development of science and technology, with the hope that universities can prepare graduates who are competent, diligent, and ready to contribute positively to nation building, and become productive citizens.
For this reason, in order to qualify for Higher Education grant funding, of course, there are provisions and requirements that must be met, one of which is administrative feasibility, then the profile of the chief researcher and the feasibility of using the budget in order to realize the promised outcomes. But not only publication outcomes, but also other outcomes that are more appropriate for the wider community.
This then made the Dian Nusantara University Community Research Institute (LRPM) strive to encourage all UNDIRA permanent lecturers to play an active role in winning Higher Education Grant funding by holding a "Strategy Training for Passing Higher Education Grants in 2024".
In this activity, LRPM UNDIRA also invited Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., MT., IPM, as Professor of Trisakti University and Director of the Research and PkM Institute, as a resource person.
The event was successfully held by LRPM UNDIRA on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at 09.00 WIB until completion at the 6th Floor Hall, Dian Nusantara University, JI Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1 Grogol, West Jakarta, which was attended by approximately 56 UNDIRA permanent lecturer participants from the Business and Social Sciences faculty and the Dian Nusantara University Engineering and Informatics faculty.
The 2024 Higher Education Grant Passing Strategy Training activity was opened by Dr. Ir. Muhammad Hanafi, MBA, IPU, as Director of the UNDIRA Community Service Research Institute (LRPM). In his remarks he expressed his hope that all participants would be able to get tips and tricks to qualify for the 2024 Higher Education Grant funding.
"Apart from the university's target, the lecturers also have the same desire to be able to pass the 2024 grant," said Dr. Ir. Muhammad Hanafi, MBA, IPU in his speech.
Dr. Ir. Muhammad Hanafi, MBA, IPU, also hopes that in addition to getting funding, he can also educate and provide benefits to others.
"In addition to you getting personal targets, but what you do can become, duplicate, educate the next people who will do the grant and benefit from the results," he added.
Then on the same occasion, Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs Ir.Margono Sugeng, M.Sc delivered a speech, he said that in addition to teaching lecturers also have an obligation to carry out research and community service for that with this event it is hoped that it can provide motivation for lecturers.
"As we all know that as lecturers we have the obligation to teach and also have the obligation to organize research and community service, and this is certainly with the intention of further motivating all of us in carrying out our profession as lecturers," said Ir.Margono Sugeng, M.Sc.
In addition, Ir.Margono Sugeng, M.Sc. also gave his appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., MT., IPM, as the resource person and hoped that what was delivered could benefit all participants.
"On behalf of the leadership of Dian Nusantara University, we express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., MT., IPM, as the resource person, hopefully the material presented will be useful for all participants and all of us," he continued.
In her presentation Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., MT., IPM, gave tips and tricks so that UNDIRA lecturers could get the next Dikti Grant funding.
In addition, Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, S.Si., MT., IPM, also provided motivation so that UNDIRA lecturers could be more enthusiastic in improving their scientific work, including Research and Community Service.
(Andri Firmansyah Sanudin / LRPM UNDIRA)
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