Public Test of Candidates for the Selection Committee of the UNDIRA Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force

In the context of the issuance of Permendikbud Ristek number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and handling of sexual violence in higher education institutions Ministry of education culture research and technology republic of indonesia in 2021.
Based on this, Dian Nusantara University adjusted its internal policy by forming a task force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence, or what can be shortened to the Dian Nusantara University Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force (PPKS).
The process of forming the PPKS task force begins with the formation and training of online modules by the candidate selection committee (capansel). A total of 7 candidates for the UNDIRA PPKS task force who have gone through the exam and module training from smart character owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and have passed online.
Until the next stage, the Dian Nusantara University Student Affairs Bureau held a public test of the UNDIRA PPKS task force candidates on Thursday, October 26, 2023 in Hybrid and broadcast on YouTube Dian Nusantara University.
The Pansel Public Test activity presented 3 external panelists including;
- Dr. Maria Ulfah Anshor, M.Si as Commissioner of KOMNAS Perempuan.
- Mr. Muhammad Iqbal, Ph.d as Doctor Psychologist & Owner of Counseling House /
- Serma Harnes A. Sahara as Bati Intel Sintel Battalion 3 Group 33 Kopassus.
On the same occasion, the Head of the Higher Education Service Institution Region III DKI Jakarta Prof. Dr. Toni Toharudin, S.Si., M.Sc. gave a speech in the online candidate public test through the Zoom Meeting media and the event was opened by the Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs Dr. Ir. Muhammad Hasanuddin Thoyieb, MM.
The Public Test of Candidates for the Task Force Selection Committee (Pansel) with the names of candidates for lecturers as follows;
- Agung Suprayitno ST., MBA (Head of UNDIRA HR Bureau)
- Ari Apriani, SE., MM. (Head of UNDIRA LRPM Bureau)
- Dr. Ida R. Damayanti, S.Sos., M. Si (Lecturer at Dian Nusantara University)
- Fery Setiawan, S.Kom (Academic Tendik)
- Neza Azkiah, A.Md. (Tendik Keuangan)
While the names of the student PPKS Task Force Candidates are;
- Muhammad Faisal (UNDIRA Management Study Program Student)
- Azimah Qonita (UNDIRA Communication Science Study Program Student)
(Mira Febrianti / UNDIRA Student Affairs)
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