UNDIRA New Students Follow Character Development Materials, Social Media Ethics, to National Insight at PKKMB Hello Campus 2023 - Day 2

12 September 2023
By : Administrator

Jakarta September 6, 2023 was the second day of Hello Campus which was held at the UNDIRA Tanjung Duren campus in a Hybrid manner.

The agenda carried out on Hello Campus day 2 began with joint sports, and continued with several material presentations including material on Character Building and Development by Mr. Samsul Rahman, MA from LPK LUMOSA and a Public Speaking Master Trainer, material on Ethics and Grooming and Wise in communicating through Social Media by Mrs. Dr. Ir. Agustine Nuriman, M.I.Kom as Public Relations Practitioner, Founder of NAGARU Communication, and CEO of Umang Beach Club, and material on the Life of the Nation, State, and Development of State Defense Awareness by Major Inf F.X Renoten Yanuariyanto, S.A.P, M.I.P. as Commander of Battalion 33 Group 3 Kopassus.

HC2023 - 2A

In this UNDIRA Hello Campus activity, the participants who are members of each group are also given the task of making yells that will be displayed at Hello Campus on day two to day four with the aim of fostering creativity and cohesiveness in one team. Not only that, the participants were also asked to make an assignment in the form of a creative video introduction and A Day In Our Hello Campus which was uploaded on each participant's social media.

After that, agenda after agenda on the second day continued to run, including exposure from the West Jakarta Generation Planning Ambassador about the dangers of narcotics, promiscuity and sexual deviance, followed by an introduction to the UNDIRA English Center and closed with a demonstration of UNDIRA Karate UKM.

HC2023 - DAY 2

(Fidwi and Gaby/HUMASIntern)

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Kampus Tanjung Duren

Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1

Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470

Kampus Green Ville

JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3

Kampus Cibubur

Jln. Rawa Dolar 65

Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432