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UNDIRA Students' Visit to DKI Jakarta DPRD, an Inspiring Reporting Practice Experience

A total of 36 students of Dian Nusantara University (UNDIRA) Jakarta who took part in the Public Relations Media Writing course visited the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih no. 18, Central Jakarta.

This visit is part of a field practice that aims to provide direct experience to students in carrying out reportage and understanding more about the functions and roles of DPRD in local government.

The event was attended by the lecturer of the Public Relations Media Writing course, Ruslin, S.Ikom., M.IKom, as well as students from Dian Nusantara University.

The students were received directly by the Head of Publication and Information Subdivision Agus Ermanto, Head of Protocol Subdivision for Leaders and Factions Dudy Setiawan, as well as Head of Administration and Personnel Subdivision Mukholik Maswi and representatives from DKI Jakarta DPRD Public Relations.

UNDIRA Media Course Lecturer Ruslin conveyed the importance of this activity as part of developing students' practical skills, especially in understanding the procedures for coverage and reportage related to legislative activities.

“This visit provides an opportunity for students to see firsthand the work process at the DPRD and understand the importance of the role of communication in socializing public policy. I want to educate my students based on the curriculum determined by the central government, where we learn to understand in theory and we learn to apply it directly,” said Ruslin at the Jakarta DPRD building, Thursday (5/16/2024).

Ruslin said, this discussion is expected to enrich students' insights into the challenges and dynamics in the policy-making process at the regional level.

Head of Protocol Subdivision, Agus Ermanto explained, this activity followed up on a letter from the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences number 16/109/A-SPm/V/2024 dated May 2, 2024, regarding the request for a reportage practice visit at the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD.

He also explained that the main functions of legislative members are to form regional regulations (Perda), prepare regional revenue and expenditure budgets (APBD), and supervise the use of the APBD.

“Council members are called legislative members who have three functions, namely Legislation to make policies with the executive. Budgeting to budget a policy, and controlling as a supervisory effort,” said Agus.

After that, some students asked questions about the regulation of free schools, health services, and the design flow of making social assistance programs to be right on target.

Later all these questions will be answered by representatives of Commission E in the field of Public Welfare (Kesra) through written answers.

The event was closed with a group photo session, the UNDIRA students expressed their gratitude for the willingness to accept the visit and provide valuable insights.

Through this activity, it is hoped that Dian Nusantara University students can gain more in-depth knowledge and skills regarding the communication and reporting process in the context of local government, and can apply the knowledge gained in college to real practice.


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