Company Visit of UNDIRA Students to PT. ePAC FLEXIBLES INDONESIA

14 Mei 2024

Company visit is a form of experiential learning that is very valuable for students because students can see how the theoretical concepts learned in class are applied in practice in the real world. The main objective is to provide students with the opportunity to gain a first-hand understanding of how day-to-day operations in the business world or a particular industry are conducted.

Based on the importance of a company visit for students, the Directorate of Innovation and Business Development of Dian Nusantara University visited PT. ePAC FLEXIBLES INDONESIA on Friday, May 10, 2024 which is an important opportunity in order to provide practical learning to students about entrepreneurship which will be presented at BSI EXPO INTERNATIONAL.

PT. ePAC FLEXIBLES INDONESIA is a company engaged in the manufacture of flexible packaging in Indonesia. The company focuses on the production of flexible packaging used in various industries, such as food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and others.


During this company visit, Dian Nusantara University was represented by several university leaders, namely Vice Rector II of Dian Nusantara University, Mr. Dwi Sapto Febriantaka, M.A., Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Mr. Eriklex Donald, M.M., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics Mrs. Desi Ramayanti, S.Kom., M.T. and Head of MKCU, Mr. Luthfi Alhazami, S.E., M.M.. Also participating in this visit were lecturers teaching Entrepreneurship courses and several students representing Entrepreneurship II courses.

PT. ePAC FLEXIBLES INDONESIA warmly welcomed the visit from Dian Nusantara University, led by General Manager Mr. Ijo Wira. During the visit, he expressed his pleasure to host the students, lecturers, and university leaders. "We are very honored for the visit of Dian Nusantara University to PT. ePAC FLEXIBLES INDONESIA. This is a very valuable opportunity for our company to explore potential collaborations and introduce our products while expanding our network with young student entrepreneurs who are currently engaged in the MSME sector," said Ijo Wira.

He emphasized the importance for students to develop business ideas that are not only interesting and unique, but also different from competitors in the market. He stated that uniqueness in product packaging can be a key differentiation factor and an advantage for entrepreneurs. On this occasion, student representatives also presented examples of products that they would market. Mr. Ijo Wira provided positive feedback regarding the packaging strategy and which elements of the product are most likely to attract consumers.

After an in-depth discussion about ePAC, the leaders, lecturers, and students were given the opportunity to visit the production area and witness firsthand the operation of modern machines. Students were able to analyze the stages of production that took place. Before entering the production area, there are safety protocols that must be followed to protect the product from bacterial, viral, or germ contamination.


At the end of the visit, Mr. Eriklex Donald, SE, MM expressed his deep gratitude for the kind welcome of PT. ePAC FLEXIBLES INDONESIA in UNDIRA's visit this time, and he also invited PT. ePAC FLEXIBLES INDONESIA to visit Dian Nusantara University and proposed to establish cooperation with UNDIRA students and educational institutions in supporting the 2024 BSI INTERNATIONAL EXPO event. In his statement, Mr. Eriklex highlighted that although some student products received praise and criticism from Mr. Ijo Wira, the potential possessed by UNDIRA students is very competitive. He also added that every response, both positive and negative, has been used as a valuable lesson by students and lecturers to increase their seriousness in entering the global business arena.

(Frederick Marcus / Staff Direktorat Inovasi dan Pengembangan Usaha)

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