UNDIRA Receives KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK Grant for Partnership-Based UMKM Development Program for UMKM Development in Tangerang Regency.

21 November 2023
By : Administrator

Dian Nusantara University (UNDIRA) implements a Partnership-Based MSME Development Grant Program, UNDIRA collaborates with MSME partners, namely (IKRT) Family Care is a Small and Household Industry (IKRT) engaged in the supply of environmentally friendly household cleaning fluids, which is located at Jalan Al Sintan Sampora Kampung Cilandak RT.004 / RW.004 No. 114 Situgadung Village, Pagedangan District, Tangerang Regency Banten.

On Monday, November 20, 2023 was a handover event and the first use of production equipment which was symbolically handed over directly by the Rector of UNDIRA Prof. Dr. H. Suharyadi to the owner of IKRT Family Care Dra. I G Ayu Arwati, MT., Ph.D accompanied by the Chairman of the Dian Asra Foundation Sagoro Dharmawan, Vice Chancellor I Ir. Margono Sugeng, M.Sc., as the supervisor of the Partnership-Based MSME Development Grant program, and Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari, S.Sos., MM. as Chairperson of the Partnership-Based MSME Development Grant program.

Chairperson of the Partnership-Based IKRT Strengthening Program Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari, S.S., MM said, UNDIRA was one of the universities that received the funding. It will soon complete this MSME development program in the near future. And UNDIRA together with IKRT Family Care will also carry out online product marketing through social media and websites so that it reaches more people. This process involves lecturers and students at Dian Nusantara University.

The owner of Family Care environmental cleaning products, Dra. I G Ayu Arwati, MT., Ph.D., welcomed the program. The cleaning liquid production equipment from UNDIRA greatly facilitates IKRT Family Care in mass production of products. With the cleaning fluid production equipment received, IKRT Family Care, which produces all kinds of cleaning fluids, is ready to produce more products in a short and efficient time. "We usually produce only 100 liters a day and that too until night. By using this tool, one hour can produce 300 liters, so maybe in 4 hours we can already produce 1 ton," he concluded.

IKRT Family has 11 products including hand sanitizer, hand soap, disinfectant, karbol fir, karbol lemongrass, 3 in 1 detergent, liquid bath soap, dishwashing liquid, floor cleaner, ceramic cleaner and car shampoo.


UNDIRA Rector Prof. Dr. H. Suharyadi said, UNDIRA through this activity seeks to help solve problems and develop existing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), in this case IKRT Family Care. Undira received a grant of Rp 150 million to develop MSMEs that have the potential to increase production and better product quality.

"UNDIRA received a grant from the Higher Education to help develop MSMEs. Therefore, we channel it into this program, and we will continue to develop it in the future," he explained.


Press Contact :

Biro Humas & Sekretariat Universitas Dian Nusantara


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