Gathering, Halal Bihalal and Thanksgiving for NBO's 4th Anniversary

NBO is an online Ngaji Bareng community that has existed since April 12, 2020 and was initiated by Dr. Ir. Muhammad Hasanuddin Thoyieb, MM during the Covid-19 pandemic. Previously, this Quranic community was carried out offline at the Al-Hidayah Bintaro Sector II Mosque, but because the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to limit outdoor activities and physically gather to protect our own health and safety and that of others, the Quranic community was organized in a different format, namely Ngaji Bareng Online.

Until now, the Ngaji Bareng Online (NBO) community is 4 years old, and in order to commemorate the 4th anniversary of NBO, a hybrid gathering was held at Dian Nusantara University on May 5, 2024 as well as implementing Halal Bihalal 1 Syawal 1445 AH.

Since April 12, 2020 until now, there has been a significant increase in the number of members of the Ngaji Bareng Online community, which has now attracted more than 1,000 worshipers. The large number of guests who were enthusiastic about the NBO milad event was not only limited to young people and adults, but the spirit of arrival and enthusiasm could also be seen from the elderly guests.

The silence and focus on prayer or worship together can provide inner calm for each individual present, reduce stress, and provide a feeling of peace. In addition, gathering events involve activities that strengthen the sense of community, such as religious lectures, dhikr, or social activities carried out together.

These gathering activities directly provide an opportunity for guests to interact socially during the NBO event which allows for the exchange of spiritual experiences, supporting each other and strengthening emotional bonds. This opportunity to communicate and work together in an environment filled with religious values creates a deep sense of mutual understanding and empathy.


In presenting the impressions and messages of the event from the Rector of Dian Nusantara University, Professor Suharyadi and the chairman of NBO who also serves as Vice Rector III Dr. Muhammad Hasanuddin Thoyieb, M.M., from the two opening messages presented, it can be concluded that improving the quality of life is one way to appreciate the blessings that Allah SWT has given. Life must be seen as a long-term vision where every action and the contents of our hearts become individual responsibility until the end of life. He also expressed his hope that the NBO 4th Anniversary Gathering, Halal Bihalal, and Thanksgiving event would bring blessings to all participants.

In line with the rector's message, it is hoped that this Ngaji Bareng Online event can leave a positive impression and provide significant benefits for all participants. After remarks from Professor Suharyadi, Dr. Muhammad Hasanuddin Thoyieb, M.M., founder of Ngaji Bareng Online who also serves as UNDIRA's Vice Chancellor III on this occasion conveyed several important points regarding our opportunity to continue to establish friendship after Ramadan through events like this.

Through the lens of life, it can be seen that humans as social creatures who undergo various dynamics of life must always remember Allah in their various journeys. all steps we take must not be based on insincere hearts and as social creatures are expected to be based on the teachings of the Koran in everyday life.

The Quran, as a holy book, is the main source of life guidance that contains fundamental teachings on ethics, law, and morality. Interest in studying the Quran often stems from a deep desire to understand the teachings of Islam more comprehensively, get closer to God, and obtain guidance in living everyday life. Learning the Quran includes not only mastering recitation and memorization, but also understanding its interpretation and historical context, which provides deeper insight into the values taught.

Through the concept of friendship view, that it not only strengthens social ties, but also serves as a means of spreading knowledge and Islamic values, because through good interaction and communication, the teachings of the Quran can be conveyed and understood more effectively.

With Quranic learning, Muslims are taught the importance of maintaining good relationships with others, both with family, neighbors, and the wider community. Gathering not only strengthens social ties, but also serves as a means of spreading Islamic knowledge and values, because through good interaction and communication, the teachings of the Quran can be conveyed and understood more effectively.


On this happy occasion, Prof. Komarudin Hidayat was also present who delivered Tausiyah conveying several concepts regarding Halal Bihalal and Gathering is part of the spirit of Ramadan, in the sense that the small human heart is basically filled with goodness and it is our obligation to maintain the goodness we do. All things that are done would be wonderful to start with sincerity and a step in improving ourselves in a personal and social context.

Prof. Komarudin Hidayat conveyed matters related to humility and self-improvement both personally and socially - underlining the beauty of starting actions with sincerity. Furthermore, he referred to Surah Ar-Rahman verse 55 which states "fabiayyi ala irobbikuma tukadziban", which translates as recognition of Allah's favors bestowed upon humans and jinn. This underscores the importance of expressing gratitude for this divine bounty.

He also elaborated that worship consists of various important aspects: Aqidah, religious rites, cultural elements, and social dimensions. He emphasized that the integration of cultural aspects with other elements in religious life can bring harmony and happiness. As an illustration, he took the example of Western countries that have a happiness index; a measure that reflects people's level of satisfaction with their perceived communality.

It also refers back to Surah Ar-Rahman verse 55, explaining how humans should appreciate all the blessings in their lives while undergoing a search for meaning beyond worldly goals such as wealth and position. Ending his tausiyah, he expressed the thought that all aspects of life have their own beauty. The way we appreciate and view that beauty will substantially determine our perception of Allah SWT's bounty for each individual.


At the end of the NBO event, all attendees enjoyed the dishes available and there was a group photo session between all guests and UNDIRA as the organizer of the event. It is hoped that the NBO activity will continue to be a forum for togetherness and a symbol of solidarity between attendees from various directions both through offline and online media.

(Danang Respati Wicaksono / Humas UNDIRA)

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