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Implementation of New Materials in Renewable Energy

  1. Speaker 1 : Anggito Pringgo Tetuko, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D

At this time Mr. Anggita Prinnggo Tetuka ST., M.Eng., Ph.D gave a presentation entitled “Development of Advanced Materials in Thermal Management of Renewable Energy Devices”. He graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree. In accordance with his background as a Researcher at BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency) he explained how research at BRIN on thermal management materials, material technology and heat release methods. There are also technologies discussed from the initial side of heat release technology to nanofluid technology.


  1. Speaker 2 : Prof. Dr. Ir. Awaludin Martin, M.T.

This time Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Awaludin Martin, MT. gave a presentation entitled “Novel Microporous Carbon Material from Polyehylylene Terephthalate (PET) Plastic Waste in Natusa Gas Storage Applications”. He is a Professor from Riau University who has concentrated on energy conversion since his undergraduate days until now as a Professor. In accordance with his background, he explained how the difference between new and renewable energy. Concretely, he also explained the advantages of Adsorbtion Natural Gas compared to CNG and LNG currently in the industry and the importance of continuous research in this field.


Key takeaways from the Webinar:


Technology Selection and Innovation in energy transfer through new material technologies

  1. Technology in energy transfer is still in need of development. Through material properties and others in terms of materials that can be provided and needed according to purpose.
  2. There are also pivoting materials that can develop surface area for good heat transfer.
  3. The gas storage process can be improved with Natural Gas Adsorbtion technology. In this case Carbon. The following comparison is more exponential compared to CNG and LNG.
  4. The potential for research on heat transfer materials can still be explored more deeply to get better materials so that they can be passed down to the industry.
  5. The potential of ANG must continue to be explored so that it can enter the industry in terms of cost and can be adopted properly.


  1. Speaker 1: Anggito Pringgo Tetuko, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D - (BRIN Researcher)
  2. Speaker 2 : Prof. Dr. Ir. Awaludin Martin, M.T. - (Professor of Riau University)


Anggananda B.R.M.S., M.T. (Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Dian Nusantara University)

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