Towards an Emission-Free Indonesia 2060 Through Electric Vehicle Development
Key takeaways from the Webinar :
The Government of Indonesia has set a Net Zero Emission (NZE) target of 2060. Through the following strategies:
1. Electrification
- Electric Vehicle (EV) development
- Utilisation of induction cookers for households
- Electrification of agriculture, etc.
2. Development of New Renewable Energy (EBT) offgrid and ongrid
3. Moratorium on coal-fired power plants and phase down of existing coal-fired power plants
4. Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)
5. Development of new energy sources (hydrogen and ammonia)
6. Implementation of energy efficiency in all aspects
Electric Vehicles (EV) development in the country of Germany:
1. The cost of EVs in Germany, which is almost the same as diesel cars, makes the conversion to EVs is slow
2. German culture that is less welcoming of new technology makes it difficult to implement in the future
3. Barriers to increasing the number of EV users in Germany:
- Lack of charging stations, which is not increasing in line with the number of EVs in Germany with the increase of EVs
- High initial investment costs due to the high price of EVs from Europe quite high
- Concerns over range degradation in winter
- Lack of mobility due to long battery recharging time due to declining battery performance time due to decreased battery performance
Potential of Electric Vehicles (EV) in Indonesia:
1. A good ecosystem is needed to support the development of EV development in Indonesia, ranging from electricity sources, charging stations, to regulations that facilitate the comprehensive implementation of EVs. regulations that facilitate the implementation of EVs as a whole.
2. The cost of EVs in Indonesia is already quite low compared to petrol cars. Petrol-engined cars.
3. Indonesia's social and cultural conditions are very favourable for the implementation of new technologies.
Speakers :
Faiz Husnayain, Ph.D. - (Pengajar dan Peneliti, Dept. Teknik Elektro, Universitas Indonesia)
Nara Brahma Pramodana, M.Sc. - (Engineer, ITK Engineering GmbH, Germany)
Moderator :
Tri Nur Arifin, S.T., M.M.S.I. - (Dosen Program Studi Teknik Elektro Universitas Dian Nusantara)

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