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Jayabaya University Study Visit to Dian Nusantara University: Brainstorming Development and Utilization of Communication Science Laboratory

13 Mei 2024
By : Anna Nurjanah

On Wednesday, May 8, Universitas Dian Nusantara (UNDIRA) was honored to host a study visit from the Communication Studies Program of Jayabaya University at the Tanjung Duren Campus, Jakarta. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the broadcasting sector, including the integration between the curriculum and the rapidly growing broadcasting industry. In addition, the participants also had the opportunity to see firsthand the communication science laboratory facilities which were recently inaugurated on March 4, 2024.

The event began with remarks from Sri Hesti M.I.Kom., as the Head of the UNDIRA Communication Science Study Program. The event was also attended by Anna Nurjanah M.A., as Secretary of the Communication Science Study Program and Suparyadi M.I.Kom., as Laboratory Coordinator. In her remarks, Mrs. Hesti expressed her deep respect and gratitude to the guests from the Jayabaya University Communication Science Study Program for their interest in exploring collaboration with UNDIRA - a relatively young institution, as well as sharing insights into the process of conceptualizing and developing a communication science laboratory to enable the rapid operationalization of a state-of-the-art laboratory.

“The construction of this communication science laboratory is in order to support the learning process according to the established graduate learning outcomes, where students can gain direct experience related to the production of various current communication products. The construction of this laboratory is also expected to support the improvement of the academic atmosphere,” said Hesti.

Furthermore, representatives from Jayabaya University expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome received during their visit to UNDIRA. The group that attended the study visit this time included the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Mrs. Nenden Retno Wedaria, M.I.Kom; Head of the Communication Science Study Program, Mrs. Mega Ayu Permatasari, M.Si; Head of the RTV Laboratory, Mr. Victor A. Simanjuntak, M.Si; and three students of the Jayabaya University Communication Science study program.


Mrs. Mega Ayu Permatasari said that Jayabaya University is currently emphasizing on improving existing laboratory facilities to develop student potential as a provision for entering the world of work. “We already have various communication science laboratory equipment, but we need to share knowledge related to updated laboratory equipment, so we made this visit considering that UNDIRA had just inaugurated its communication science laboratory,” said the Head of the Jayabaya University Communication Science Study Program.

After the opening session, the agenda continued with a tour of the Communication Science laboratory. This included visits to various specialized facilities such as a television broadcasting laboratory equipped with comprehensive production tools, a radio production laboratory, a photography laboratory, a computer editing laboratory, and a radio studio. During their visit to the radio studio, the Jayabaya University students had the opportunity to engage in a live broadcast using the UNDIRA Radio platform.


Enthusiasm was evident among the students from Jayabaya University as they enjoyed the hands-on experience of speaking directly into a microphone connected to Radio UNDIRA listeners. They expressed comfort with access to the various features of the communication science laboratory. They also praised the various facilities available in each laboratory.

This study visit ended with a souvenir exchange session between the Head of the Dian Nusantara University Communication Science Study Program and the Head of the Jayabaya University Communication Science Study Program. Both parties expressed the hope that this meeting would open up opportunities for wider collaboration in the future.


(Anna Nurjanah, S.I.Kom., M.A. / Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UNDIRA)

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