Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) is a systemic activity for the autonomous quality assurance of the University to control and improve the implementation of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner, based on the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation No. 53 of 2023 on Higher Education Quality Assurance. To implement the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI), Dian Nusantara University established the Internal Quality Assurance Center (PPMI) as the implementer of the quality assurance system within the university by conducting routine audits on all existing activities for the purpose of achieving the quality performance targets set by each unit. This is outlined in the Rector's Decree (SK) Number: 01/044/J-Skep/VI/2019 regarding the Establishment of the Internal Quality Assurance Center (PPMI).
"To become a trusted unit with Visionary, Integrity, and Professionalism (VIP) in the field of quality management at Dian Nusantara University."
Aligning the duties and responsibilities of the unit with the vision and mission of Dian Nusantara University to achieve consistency and synergy.
Developing strategies to ensure the sustainability of quality management programs and encourage innovation in implementing relevant best practices.
Enhancing the competence and skills of the team through continuous training and development to meet the challenges and changes in quality management with professional excellence.
Building strong partnerships with internal and external stakeholders and ensuring effective communication to support shared goals and strengthen the reputation as a trusted unit.
Conducting ongoing supervision and evaluation of the implementation of policies and quality management practices to ensure the achievement of targets and compliance with established standards.
Integrating information technology and modern quality management systems to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out the unit’s tasks and responsibilities.
The Internal Quality Assurance Center (PPMI) is responsible for implementing the Quality Assurance System within the University by conducting routine audits on all existing activities to achieve the quality performance targets set by each unit.
The Internal Quality Assurance Center is led by the Head of the Center, who is under the authority of and is responsible to the Rector.
To have full access to the work units, activities, records, documents, personnel, assets of the University, and other relevant information in accordance with the duties assigned by the Rector.
To establish the scope of work and apply the necessary audit techniques to achieve the effectiveness of the internal control system.
To receive full cooperation from all University management officials, responses to reports, and corrective actions.
To prepare standards and quality assurance instruments at the University level.
To conduct University quality audits.
To prepare accreditation for study programs and higher education institutions.
To review and recommend the feasibility of accreditation instruments for institutions and study programs.
1. Designing the University's quality assurance system based on the University’s Strategic Plan, taking into account the considerations of the University Senate approved by the Rector, including:
Planning the quality assurance system development and development according to advancements in science and technology, aligned with the University's strategic plan and LLDIKTI policies.
Planning the creation of the Quality Assurance System devices.
Planning the implementation of the Quality Assurance System programs periodically.
Developing systems, standards, mechanisms, and SOPs for the Quality Assurance Body.
2. Carrying out program activities:
- Coordinating with Faculties and Postgraduate programs in implementing technical quality assurance policies.
- Creating the quality assurance system devices.
- Organizing and managing technical and administrative support for quality assurance.
- Socializing quality policies at the Faculty, Study Program, and Postgraduate levels, including educators and educational staff.
- Socializing the internal performance audit system at the Faculty, Study Program, and Postgraduate levels, including educators and educational staff.
- Coordinating the implementation of quality assurance activities at the Faculty, Study Program, and Postgraduate levels at the end of the semester.
- Reviewing institutional and study program accreditation instruments.
- Facilitating the preparation of quality assurance instruments and SOPs for work units within the University.
3. Conducting monitoring and evaluation:
Monitoring, evaluating, and improving the implementation of technical quality assurance policies.
Monitoring, evaluating, and auditing the internal performance of the University.
4. Reporting and follow-up:
- SPreparing the annual work program report of the Internal Quality Assurance Center as a form of accountability to the Rector in accordance with the applicable standards.
- Carrying out internal improvements based on the Rector’s directives.
- Recommending issues that need follow-up by the Rector.
- Reporting administrative matters as requested by Kopertis and DIKTI.
Tanjung Duren Campus :
Kampus Cibubur Campus :
Campus Tanjung Duren
Jln. Tanjung Duren Barat II No. 1
Grogol, Jakarta Barat. 11470
Campus Green Ville
JIn. Mangga XIV No. 3
Campus Cibubur
Jln. Rawa Dolar 65
Jatiranggon Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi. 17432